Goddess's Warrior Read online

Page 7


  Amelia watched as Olivia drove her wagon out of the Company’s camp. Her mind was full of what Olivia had said. She remembered her feeling of certainty that something was wrong with Captain Gordon’s decision two months back to flog the soldier. She recalled the Captain had not even spoken to Olivia, never mind allowed her a trial. Why? What did he have against Olivia? And that birthmark. Was it all true? Was she was daughter of her missing Aunt? Amelia’s musings were interrupted when she was called.

  ‘Lieutenant, you are wanted in the Commander’s tent. ’

  ‘Coming.’ Amelia wondered what her mother wanted now. She headed for her mother’s tent.

  On entering the Ravens tent Amelia found Captain Gordon with her.

  ‘You sent for me, Ma’am?’

  ‘Yes Lieutenant. What’s this I hear about you having dealings with a known thief?’

  ‘Dealings, Ma’am? I don’t know what you mean. I certainly spoke with one of the wagon driver’s just now. One who is an ex-member of this Company whom Captain Gordon was desperate to be rid of for some reason. I presume he has already told you his version of what he did to that soldier?’

  ‘He has told me he had her flogged for stealing, yes.’

  ‘Has he explained why he refused her a trial or even a hearing?’

  ‘That is his prerogative. What were the two of you talking about in your tent?’

  ‘A family matter that I would be happy to tell you but only in private.’

  The Raven stared at her daughter in silence. Amelia stared straight back at her mother.

  Finally, ‘Very well, Lieutenant. This way,’ the Raven led the way out of the tent and out into the open where no one could come close to them without being seen.

  ‘Well, Amelia.’

  “First you should know mother that Olivia was the soldier I told you about who found the smuggled goods on my first patrol. She also translated the letter I told you about. When she was accused of theft Captain Gordon refused her a trial, a visit to a Tree and even refused her a hearing. In other words he did his best to see that she was thrown out with a stained character after deliberately preventing her from putting up any defence. It was after her flogging that I saw that she has our birthmark on her left breast. Well, apparently she managed to get to Kapitol and to the Temple there. She went to the Tree and was healed of her whip-marks by the Goddess and told she was the daughter of your sister who disappeared twenty years ago. She was also told that Danglish’s forces will be supported by Gloam’s priests. That, Mother is what Olivia said in my tent just now. She lifted her shirt and showed me her back, Mother. There isn’t a single mark on it. I think she has other information she was given by the Goddess but wouldn’t - or couldn’t - mention at this time.’

  The Duchess was silent for a while, staring out over where some soldiers were training. Finally, ‘Well Amelia, I certainly want to meet this Olivia. Perhaps she is Doreen’s daughter. She may well be going to be important in the coming battle. And if the Goddess has blessed her then her guilt as to this stealing charge is questionable at least. I am certainly curious as to why Gordon denied her a hearing. But for now it would be better that we keep this between ourselves.’

  ‘Yes, Mother.’